Supported Independent Living

We are there to help you in your SIL needs

We’re excited and proud to offer Supported Independent Living opportunities for our clients at Premium Home Care Services. If you or a loved one wants to remain as independent as possible but requires support services to live a safe and fulfilled life, SIL may be a solid choice to consider.

With SIL funding, you’ll get support workers to assist with daily tasks around the house. This includes support with managing your household tasks and personal care, including cooking, dressing, showering, shopping, cleaning and more. Our staff form partnerships with you to grow your independence and build your living skills.

We understand that everyone needs to be happy and comfortable in their home. That’s why match participants with like-minded people to share SIL housing opportunities, and this group of people will also share support workers.

We offer highly-trained, flexible staff who work to support all of our participants to reach their full potential while maintaining as much independence as possible. This means we can:

  • Assist in maintaining the household with things like light cleaning and meal preparation
  • Attend and manage appointments.
  • Develop and maintain community connections and friendships.
  • Help access recreational and social activities.
  • Help develop an individual program plan that outlines each participants’ aspirations, goals and desires for living independently.

If you’re interested in learning more about Supported Independent Living with Premium Home Care Services, reach out. Our staff will be in touch shortly.

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